Yes. All documents recorded in our office are of public record with the exception of Military Discharge Papers (DD214).
General information can be obtained by phone, but for more detailed information you should come into the office or contact a title searcher or attorney. Our responsibility is only for recording, reproducing, and indexing recordable documents.
Yes, however, it is usually a good idea to have someone with certain expertise in the field, such as an attorney, prepare it for you to make sure it is done properly.
Yes. It is a good idea to record it so if it is ever lost or destroyed you can obtain a certified copy free of charge from our office. Military discharge records are not available for the public to view. Only the veteran or a qualified family member may inspect their discharge records.
No. Professional title examiners use records in various locations to determine if the title is good and clear.
We can provide the last deed of record. Please call (785) 309-5855 or email us directly for more details.
Yes – call 785-309-5855 or Schedule Online
Your deed should have a legal description of the boundaries of your property, but you may need a surveyor to use this information to locate the property lines and place markers on the land.
Our records are by legal description. If you want to know who owns a certain lot, we can look that up for you or you can go to Saline Parcel Search and search by name or address. This is the appraiser’s site and is updated regularly but during certain times of year, there is a delay. You may also search our web service that is by subscription at
If you are needing a copy of your or someone else's deed, please use contact us with your request. If it's not your property we do require a copy fee.
A new deed must be prepared showing the change and then recorded in our office.
Our records begin in 1863 with our first recorded registry.
The Recorder’s Office will return original documents, in most cases, to the party that presented them for recording within 3 days.
With Saline County offering PFA at no charge, your name will remain on the notification list indefinitely.
You may visit us in person at the Saline County Register of Deeds Office at 300 West Ash, Room 212, Salina, KS 67401, or you may call us at 785-309-5855 to request a fax, Email or regular mail. If you wish to research online, go to and subscribe for a small amount of time.
A deed should be delivered to you shortly after the purchase of the property. After the mortgage is paid, a mortgage satisfaction is usually sent from your lending institution to our office noting the mortgage is satisfied.
Saline County offers this FREE of charge to Saline County Residents.
It is highly recommended that you enter only the first letter of your first name in the first name field. For example, with a name such as Steve, Stephen, or Steven, you may wish to enter the letter “S” in the first name field. Or you may wish to enter the first few letters of your first name to limit the number of first name matches. For example, if the letters “St” are entered, a name match may result for the names Steven, Stan, Stacy, Sterling, etc.
To illustrate, let’s use the last name “Van Buren” as our example. This name may at times be spelled with a space in it (“Van Buren”) and at other times with no space (“VanBuren”). For cases like this, it is highly recommended that you make two separate subscription entries with both name variations. For the Property Fraud Alert system to work as intended, and for notification alerts to be sent, the last name spelling, or business name spelling of the subscription name must match exactly.
It is very possible to receive an alert that may actually pertain to another individual with the same last name (and first name) as you. Again, make sure you enter the last name spelling exactly.
It is imperative that you DO NOT enter the suffix of your name (Jr.,Sr., etc.) while entering your name into the subscription form. Only enter your first name information into the first name field and your last name information into the last name field. The same logic applies with middle names; DO NOT enter a middle name (or middle initial) into the first or last name fields.
See passport info pdf
For those counties in which PFA is a no-charge service, you can simply go to the PFA website and enter your new data information. For those counties where a subscription fee is required, please email [email protected] or phone 1-800-728-3858 and request the appropriate data change.
Please see our recording requirements PDF
Property Fraud Alert is a notification service that alerts subscribers (via email or phone contact) each time a document is recorded with their name on it in the participating County Land Records office. The subscriber must select one method of notification, either an email address or a phone number.
If you are looking for more information as to who is a property owner for a specific property, please use the general contact form to submit your request, or email us directly.
In order to better serve you, we started entering data on ALL deeds into the computer prior to 1995. You do not need to worry. If you still have concerns, please call us at 785-309-5855
For your protection and accurate permanent records, all documents are electronically imaged and the original is retained until the indexes, records and images are verified and proofed and transferred in the County Clerks office.